A Grand Journey of Math Support
Grandfather and Grandson Enchant the Math World

How Can We Help You?
We have three complete courses that comprehensively align with Alberta Education standards and outcomes; Math 20-1, Math 30-1, and Math 30-2. The specific topics are listed at the bottom of this page. The majority of the material in these courses, particularly Math 20-1 and Math 30-1, addresses Pre-Calculus outcomes. There are instructional videos for every topic in the course, practice questions, 8 practice unit exams with detailed audio solutions, and a practice final. The multiple choice and numerical response questions are auto graded online. The grade 12 courses are designed either for Diploma Preparation, or as a supplemental resource to provide an extra layer of support. There is one free unit, with the balance available for $49. These are the only 2 cost items on this website. Everything else, including the Math 20-1 course is free. You can access the 20-1 course in Canvas using: https://k12.instructure.com/register and use the following join code: 8PXDB7
Information and instruction is offered for individual math skills or concepts. There are over 150 free lessons, including over 35 hours of video instruction. Each lesson comes with practice questions and solutions, all designed to solidify learning! Topics are grouped by most applicable grade. In some cases, such as Isolating a Variable, a skill might span across all grade levels. Or, a basic understanding of domain and range is needed by grade 10. You can find a video here:
Click on the “Grades” menu at the top to see links to all of the free material. It is organized according to topic.
The full courses will be accessed through a Learning Management System called Canvas.

Free Resources
Grade 10
You Will Learn About:
- Basic algebraic solving techniques
- Integer rules
- What’s Up With Zero?
- Fraction operations
- Squares and Square Roots
- Cube Roots
- Clearing Fractions
- Exponent laws
- Slope and Rate of Change
- Equations of lines
- 3 Forms of a Linear Equation
- Intercepts
- Domain and Range
- Relation Vs Function
- Interpreting Graphs
- Functions
- Functional Notation
- Isolating a Variable
- Factors and multiples
- Prime Factorization
- Polynomial terminology and operations
- Equations of Parallel Lines
- Equations of Perpendicular Lines
- Exploring Systems of Linear Equations
- Solving a Linear System By Graphing
- Solving a Linear System By Substitution
- Solving a Linear System By Elimination
- Number of Solutions of a Linear System
- Making Sense Out of Subtraction With Brackets
- Trigonometry underpinnings
- Trigonometry – Finding Sides and Angles
- Trigonometry Applications – Angles of Elevation and Depression
- Understanding Binomial Multiplication Using Integers
- Binomial Multiplication – The Box Method
- Multiplying Trinomials
- Factoring Trinomials
- Factoring Trinomials With Two Variables
- An Alternative To Decomposition Factoring
- Difference of Squares Factoring
- The Pythagorean Theorem
- Negative Exponents
- Fractional Exponents
- Entire and Mixed Radicals
- Number Systems
- I am the Irrational Number System
- Using Proportion For Unit Conversion
- Surface Area of Prisms and Pyramids
- Volume of Prisms and Pyramids
- Surface Area and Volume of Cylinders
- What is a Referent?
- Metric and Imperial Systems of Measurement
- Composite Objects
Grade 11
You Will Learn About:
- Solving a quadratic equation by graphing
- Solving a quadratic equation by factoring
- Solving a quadratic equation with the formula
- Characteristics of quadratic functions
- Transformations of quadratic functions
- Converting a quadratic equation to vertex form
- Solving maximum and minimum problems
- Discriminant and the Nature of the Roots
- Isolating a Variable
- Mixed and Entire Radicals
- Adding and Subtracting Radicals
- Multiplication of Radicals
- Radicals With Letters and Cube Roots
- Rationalizing the Denominator-Part 1
- Rationalizing the Denominator Using Conjugates
- Division of Radicals
- Radical Equations
- Angles in Standard Position and the Reference Angle
- Special Triangle Ratios
- Trigonometric Ratios For Any Angle
- Quadrantal Angle Ratios
- Solving a Trigonometric Equation
- The Cosine Law
- The Sine Law
- The Ambiguous Case for the Sine Law
- Math 20-1 Trigonometry Review
- Absolute Value Functions
- Piecewise Function
- Absolute Value Equations
- Reciprocal Functions – Linear
- Reciprocal Functions – Quadratic
- Solving a Linear-Quadratic System Graphically
- Solving a Quadratic-Quadratic System Graphically
- Solving a Linear-Quadratic System Algebraically
- Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
- Quadratic Inequalities in One Variable
- Quadratic Inequalities in Two Variables
- Arithmetic Sequence
- Arithmetic Series
- Geometric Sequences
- Geometric Series
- Infinite Geometric Series
- Simplifying Rational Expressions and NPVs
- Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
- Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions
- Rational Equations
- Litmus Test For Sequence and Series
- Litmus Test For Radical Expressions and Equations
- Understanding Standard Deviation
- Standard Deviation Problems – No Z-Scores
- Z-Scores
- Confidence Intervals
- Comparing and Interpreting Rates
Grade 12
You Will Learn About:
- Exploring Relationships Between Sets
- Set Theory applications
- Organizing Information Involving 3 Sets
- Equivalent Rational Expressions and non-permissible values
- Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions – Math 30-2
- Introduction to logarithms
- Understanding Natural Logarithms
- Solving Exponential Equations With No Common Base
- Solving Rational Equations That Simplify to a Quadratic Equation
- Probability and odds
- Probability of Non-Mutually Exclusive Events
- Conditional Probability
- Probability Involving Permutations and Combinations
- Introduction to permutations
- Permutation Restriction – “Together or Not”
- Combinations
- Combinatorics Problems With Cases
- Solving exponential and logarithmic equations
- Logarithmic Laws
- The half-life problem
- Exponents – Financial Application
- Trigonometric ratios
- Quadrantal Angle Ratios
- Graphing Sine and Cosine Functions
- Trig Identities Toolbox of Strategies
- Proving Trigonometric Identities
- Trigonometric Restrictions
- Solving Trig Equations Using Identity Substitution
- The Binomial Theorem
- The Binomial Theorem With Non-Linear Terms
- Analyzing Rational Functions (point of discontinuity)
- Range For Rational Functions With a Point of Discontinuity
- Domain After the Division of Two Functions
- Sinusoidal Applications
- Analyzing Sinusoidal Functions Within a Context
- Inverse of a Relation
- Restricting Domain So Inverse Is A Function
- Number of Invariant Points
- Using Mapping Notation to Represent a Transformation
- The Radical Function
- The Factor Theorem
- Polynomial Functions
- Isolating a Variable
- Logical Reasoning – Kakuro
- Logical Reasoning – Sudoku
- Logical Reasoning – Strimko
- Blending Trigonometry and Logarithms (30-1)
- Trig Unit Circle Summary Questions
- Trigonometric Functions and Graphs Summary Questions Questions
- Trigonometric Identities Summary Questions
- Litmus Test For Math 30-1 Transformations
- Litmus Test For Math 30-1 Combinatorics
- Litmus Test For Math 30-1 Function Operations and Rational Functions
- What is an asymptote?
- Point of Discontinuity
- Polynomial Function Characteristics
- Math 30-1 Alberta Education Practice Test Solutions
Looking For More Math Resources?
I would highly recommend these excellent high school math podcasts:
Mac Pryma is a YouTube channel designed to help you advance your math skills. The channel covers Math 10C, 20-1, and 30-1 in over 950 podcasts. All concepts of the curriculum are covered. Relearn those tricky concepts, work ahead in your course or simply get a new perspective of what you already know. All free! Enjoy the podcast, I made them for you! Ray Pryma
Features of Our Courses
Why Choose to Engage in these Materials?
Recent feedback from a parent:
“I was extremely satisfied with the academic services offered by The Grand Math Connection. My son completed the Math 30-2 “Get a leg up” course and was able to complete his work independently using video instruction, worksheets and quizzes. He found the content engaging and not too difficult. The course effectively prepared him for his diploma exam, and he achieved an impressive 94%. I would highly recommend this course to other students!” Tasha T.
The video lessons come with a focused set of practice questions designed to solidify learning. As you actively engage with these questions, you will get an accurate indication of your understanding. The detailed solutions will help you to continue with the learning process.
The questions you will see on practice handouts and Unit exams for the full courses Math 30-1 and Math 30-2 will promote thought and analysis at a deeper level. Some of the instructional strategies and tools will likely be new; hopefully providing a fresh perspective. For example, follow the link: https://mathpqjq.com/math-learning-strategy-start-while-youre-ahead/

Math 30-1 and Math 30-2 Full Courses
If you are looking for a head start on your course, you have come to the right place. Viewing the material in advance to classroom instruction, can be a huge advantage. Instructional videos preview topics you will eventually see and practice questions help you determine if your understanding is clear. Read more about one student’s experience.
If you are looking to prepare only to write a diploma exam, you have come to the right place. These materials are geared to assist in the preparation to complete a successful diploma exam. We specialize in helping students pinpoint how specific outcomes will be assessed. Strong emphasis is given to writing an effective and thorough answer to written response questions.
The diploma preparation and leg-up courses are essentially the same; the different name refers to the purpose for accessing the materials. For more information, see all of our courses or Math Prep 30-1 or Math Prep 30-2.
Alberta Math Content For Math 20-1, Math 30-1 and Math 30-2
Math 20-1 (Grade 11 Pre-Calculus) | Math 30-1 (Grade 12 Pre-Calculus) | Math 30-2(Gr. 12 Principles of Mathematics) |
| ||
Sequence and Series | Transformations | Set Theory |
Trigonometry | Radical and Polynomial Functions | Probability |
Quadratic Functions and Equations | Trigonometry – The Unit Circle | Counting Methods |
Radical Expressions and Equations | Trigonometry – Graphing and Functions | Rational Expressions and Equations |
Rational Expressions and Equations | Trigonometry – Identities | Polynomial Functions |
Absolute Value and Reciprocal Functions | Exponents and Logarithms | Exponential Functions |
Systems of Equations and Inequalities | Rational Functions and Operations on Functions | Logarithmic Functions |
| Permutations, Combinations and The Binomial Theorem | Sinusoidal Functions |