Math 30-1 "Get a Leg Up"

Math 30-1 Online Resource
Get a Leg Up
(Leg up: “provide support, encouragement, an added advantage”)
Why This Online Resource?
- Engaged learning using 8 unit practice exams designed specifically to mirror diploma exam questions, in terms of wording, format and level of difficulty.
- An emphasis on developing proficiency in answering written response questions.
- Detailed solutions, in both written and audio form, to all questions on the practice exams.
- All multiple choice and numerical response questions are linked to course outcomes, which allows for a self-analysis of strengths and areas in which to improve.
- Each unit has an extra set of practice questions.
- Supporting documentation is provided, including key links to information on the Alberta Education website.
- A practice final exam, complete with solutions, integrates key outcomes of all units.
- 18 hours of video instructional lessons on every concept in Math 30-1 is included.
- The learning management system (Canvas) has the capability for discussion posts; enabling students to connect with others throughout the Province.
- Check out the following sample lesson:
The first unit on Transformations is free. Sign up at and use the following join code: DM8XX9
If you like what you see, send an email to Phil Quinn, at and request further information. The full package is available for $49, which is for single use only with no sharing of the code.
Payment Options:
- You could send an e-transfer to
- You could click the button below to complete the transaction through PayPal
When payment is received, an email will be sent that contains the code required to access the materials.
An Important Resource From Alberta Education
A document called Mathematics 30-1 Information Bulletin is a wonderful resource for every teacher and student. It can be found at
I would highly recommend reading this material.