The Best Kept Math Secret – It Can Be Fun!
We experience a certain exhilaration when we search for something, and then find it. When we find the perfect gift, find the best price on something we want to buy, find a funny joke, find the best laptop for our needs, or find the number that completes the puzzle, it triggers a sense of accomplishment. We seek this type of satisfaction; an almost innate pleasure to find or discover.
Logical reasoning is a component of mathematics that often gets overlooked. Many students struggle to see this as “real math”. As we analyze data, look for patterns and crunch numbers (the so called “real math”), the ultimate goal is to make informed decisions. Logical reasoning can greatly assist in how we proceed.
In Math 20-2 and Math 30-2, there is a conscious effort to develop logical reasoning skills. There is no one direct path, or “one size fits all”. Teachers are given many suggestions on how they can work with students to increase awareness of this very important skill. When puzzles and games are used, this notion of fun appears. It is fun to gather information, based on a set of rules, analyze a situation, and find that next number in the puzzle. It simply feels good. We learn how to train our brain to access relevant information to help us plan a course of action. This skill carries over into many areas of our lives.
I have seen many students, from grades 5 – 12, who can get absolutely caught up in the search for that next number. They are driven by some internal force that captures their attention and directs their will. By looking into their eyes, you can see that they think this is really cool! And yes, they are having fun!
Three such puzzles that are excellent for developing logical reasoning skills and for having fun, are Sudoku, Kakuro, and Strimko. There have been Math 30-2 diploma exam questions using these puzzles to assess the related curriculum outcomes. If you have any interest in the rules and learning some basic strategies, please check out the links below. Be aware, that if you get on a roll, and come to understand and appreciate the beauty deep within these puzzles, you may find it hard to put them down!