I would like to suggest a model that will provide guidance and direction when preparing for your Math 20-1 Final Exam. You will feel less overwhelmed and more in control of how you can proceed.
First watch the video which will outline the approach. Then check out the documents that follow. Put them all together and you will be in an excellent position to write a successful Math 20-1 Final Exam! You got this!
The Skyview Look
Key Terms
Key Terms Drag and Drop in Google Slides
An important component of learning mathematics is learning the terminology. For some, it may be like learning a different language. If students understand the math specific words, they are likely putting themselves in a better position for success.
Part of the preparation for either unit or year end review, is helping to remove any language barrier that could interfere with learning and assessment. Below you will find a list of the terms that are a part of the google drive folder, that can be found here:
These key terms are organized by unit. Drag and drop the term to the correct box. Solutions will be shown on the next slide. By engaging in this process, you will either confirm your understanding of relevant Math 20-1 vocabulary, or direct your attention to improving any language uncertainty.
Types of Questions
There are many ways to engage, or practice, as you prepare to write the Math 20-1 Final Exam. If the source has detailed solutions, that is a huge advantage.