Diploma Prep Math 30-1

Why Take This Math 30-1 Course?
- Engaged learning using 8 unit practice exams designed specifically to mirror diploma exam questions, in terms of wording, format and level of difficulty.
- An emphasis on developing proficiency in answering written response questions.
- Detailed solutions, in both written and audio form, to all questions on the practice exams.
- All multiple choice and numerical response questions are linked to course outcomes, which allows for a self-analysis of strengths and areas to improve.
- Each unit has an extra set of practice questions.
- Several supporting documents are provided, including key links to information on the Alberta Education website.
- A practice final exam, complete with solutions, is part of this resource package.
- 18 hours of video lessons on every concept in Math 30-1 is included. Check out one of the videos. https://mathpqjq.com/the-binomial-theorem/
- You will be part of a network of learners. The learning management system has the capability for discussion posts; enabling students to connect with others throughout the Province.
- Although designed as an end-of-term diploma prep, it can also be a valuable resource to be used in conjunction with current instruction.
- Further preparation for writing a mathematics diploma exam can be found on the Alberta Education website at: https://www.alberta.ca/writing-diploma-exams.aspx
- Don’t forget to check out the Math 30-1 Alberta Education Practice Test Solutions. It’s free.
The First Unit is Free!
- The first unit on Transformations is free. Sign-up at https://k12.instructure.com/register and use the following join code: DM8XX9
- Check it out. If you like what you see, send an email to Phil Quinn, at philqnn@gmail.com and request further information. The complete package is available for $49, which is for single use only with no sharing of the code.
- If your intention is to make a purchase, please fill out the following form prior to completing the transaction. Thank you.
Payment Options:
- You could send an e-transfer to philqnn@gmail.com
- You could click the button below to complete the transaction through PayPal
When payment is received, an email will be sent that contains the code required to access the materials.